Sadhana: an unconditional act of gratitude

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The experience of life, up to a certain level is dependent on one’s state of mind or consciousness. If your state of mind is chaotic, the experience of life is bound to be chaotic. It could be verily understood as the filter to the life experience. If your natural acceptance manifests itself in gratitude, life becomes comfortable too. It would be more attuned with life and more harmonious.

The power of gratitude will effortlessly transport you into great sublimity; all you have to do is embrace life with warmth. 

With gratitude comes calm, with calm comes the settlement of desires and life syncs itself to the healthiest disposition of its well-being – AND LIFE BECOMES EFFORTLESS. All that matters, is the attitude towards gratitude. 

But has it ever been so easy to just switch from chaotic state of mind to gratitude! 

The question however perplexing it may be at the outset, the answer lies in understanding the fact that gratitude is not a state of mind. It is when there are no filters to the perception of what is, it is when one accepts life as it is. The effort to change one’s state of mind creates resistance to what is at present – it is a fruitless resistance towards the ever-flowing current of life.

Gratitude is all about taking a courageous step to love life, one step after the other. It is not resisting life, but embracing it as it is. Embracing life comes with embracing uncertainty, as when one accepts the uncertain, all the energy used to resist life is released harmoniously back into the system making one feel light, yet energetic. The burden just gets off the shoulder. 

The openness of unlimited possibilities is present at every moment of life but we tend to it in either resisting or holding the moments of life. On the sudden release of energies, one experiences the true synergies and the sacred beauty of life.

It is this practice of gratitude that fosters freedom and love in human consciousness. It is a simple practice of blaming less and thanking more.

Sadhna is essentially nothing but an unconditional act of gratitude towards the almighty.

There’s no single definition found for ‘Sadhna’ in the English language. ‘Sadhna’, is getting completely engaged with what is present at the moment. However, there are various interpretations of this word that could be found in its language of origin too. Some interpret it as getting devotional to some specific work, love or art with deep engagement, which engages one’s mind, body, and soul with the endeavor. 

Sadhna can be most closely associated with the practice of mindful meditation, letting go of whatever that was once holding you back.  

If we go deep into it, we could see that if we interpret ‘Sadhna’ with mindfulness, as it is about getting completely engaged with the moment, showing no resistance. Letting it be and letting it go. Being completely aware of what you are feeling in the particular moment, remembering that you are none of these thoughts, thus being aware of your mind’s layers. 

‘Sadhna’, is basically your complete union with life at ‘this’ moment.

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